Cookie 政策




本《Cookie 政策》說明了 Socio Group Link(以下簡稱「我們」)如何在我們的網站上使用 cookies 和類似的追蹤技術。使用我們的網站即表示您同意本政策中所述的 cookies 使用方式。


什麼是 Cookies?

Cookies 是當您訪問網站時存儲在您的設備(電腦、智能手機或平板電腦)上的小型文本文件。它們使網站能夠識別您的設備、記住您的偏好並改善您的用戶體驗。


我們如何使用 Cookies

  • 必要的 Cookies:這些 cookies 對於我們網站的基本功能是必需的。它們是提供您所要求的服務所必需的。
  • 分析和性能 Cookies:這些 cookies 幫助我們了解訪客如何與我們的網站互動。它們提供的信息包括訪客數量、訪問的頁面和流量來源。我們使用這些數據來改進我們的網站並提升用戶體驗。
  • 廣告和定向 Cookies:我們可能會使用第三方 cookies 根據您的瀏覽歷史和興趣投放個性化廣告。這些 cookies 幫助我們向您提供相關的廣告。


Cookie 設置

您可以通過瀏覽器設置管理您的 cookie 偏好。大多數瀏覽器允許您阻止或刪除 cookies。然而,請注意,禁用某些 cookies 可能會影響我們網站的功能和特性。


 第三方 Cookies

我們的一些網頁可能包含來自第三方(如社交媒體平台或廣告商)的內容和服務,這些第三方可能會設置他們自己的 cookies。我們無法控制這些 cookies 的使用,您應查閱相應第三方的隱私政策以獲取更多信息。



我們可能會不時更新本《Cookie 政策》以反映我們實踐中的變更或出於法律原因。任何變更都將發布在我們的網站上,並附上更新的生效日期。

This Cookie Policy explains how Socio Group Link ("we," "us," or "our") uses cookies and similar tracking technologies on our website. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy.



What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (computer, smartphone, or tablet) when you visit a website. They enable the website to recognize your device, remember your preferences, and improve your user experience.


How We Use Cookies

  • Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the basic functionality of our website. They are required to provide the services you requested.
  • Analytics and Performance Cookies: These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our website. They provide information such as the number of visitors, the pages visited, and the sources of traffic. We use this data to improve our website and enhance user experience.
  •  Advertising and Targeting Cookies: We may use third-party cookies to serve personalized ads based on your browsing history and interests. These cookies help us deliver relevant advertisements to you.


Cookie Settings

You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to block or delete cookies. However, please note that disabling certain cookies may impact the functionality and features of our website.


 Third-Party Cookies

Some of our web pages may contain content and services from third parties (e.g., social media platforms or advertisers) that may set their own cookies. We do not control the use of these cookies, and you should review the respective third-

party privacy policies for more information.


Changes to this Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for legal reasons. Any changes will be posted on our website with an updated effective date.

我們使用 cookies 來提升您的瀏覽體驗、提供個性化廣告或內容,以及分析我們的流量。點擊「接受」即表示您同意我們使用 cookies。 了解更多 接受